Steam: 44014243 // SW-1682-3396-2802 //
Mwaahhh het was geen topperdetop maar kadaver gaat ook wel weer wat ver?
Gepost door: Arkkey op 07-07-2022 18:56
Gepost door: Arkkey op 07-07-2022 18:56
Kadaver als in dood en begraven, zegt niets over de kwaliteit.
Zelf had ik erg veel zin in dit spel destijds,maar ik kwam er gewoon niet in. Het pakte niet. Warrige wereld om te verkennen, absurd irritante stemmen met dat brabbeltaaltje. En die verschrikkelijke voice over die alles ging vertalen, het was tenenkrommend...
De combat was wel tof en de graphics waren best deftig, maar ik kwam er geen moment in. Jammer .
First you talk shit, then you wonder why there is violence in our eyes..
BronThe native PS5 version of Biomutant is set to release today, 6th September, and we got a trailer showing off some gameplay at 4K 60fps. If you own the PS4 version of the game, you can upgrade for free, and if you are still on the fence, a two-hour trial of the game is available for PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers.
The PS5 version of the game comes with the usual suite of upgrades, including DualSense features like haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and different performance options, that will allow you to tailor the experience. The options are:
Quality: 4K resolution at 30fps
Quality Unleashed: Up to 4K resolution at around 50-60fps
Performance: 1440p resolution at a locked 60fps
The PS5 version of the game comes with the usual suite of upgrades, including DualSense features like haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and different performance options, that will allow you to tailor the experience. The options are:
Quality: 4K resolution at 30fps
Quality Unleashed: Up to 4K resolution at around 50-60fps
Performance: 1440p resolution at a locked 60fps
Gratis PS5 upgrade voor PS4 gebruikers .
Where am I Playstation Showcase? π€‘
Ben je de switch al aan het afstoffen Doobieters?
Gepost door: Arkkey op 01-09-2022 08:44
Ben je de switch al aan het afstoffen Doobieters?
Gepost door: Arkkey op 01-09-2022 08:44
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