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I own a ps4 and I am thinking of buying a used ps3 for one o

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Door MasterSS (3119 reacties) op 28-12-2016 08:11
Buy a Xbox 360 or Wii.

Dont put a ps3 next to your ps4. Its a waste.

Also too many good titles comming out on ps4 in january!
PS Vita Verzamelaar. Ennuh: can't touch this du dududu dudu dudu cant tough this. Geen idee voor een leuk signature...
Door Kimbolie12 (2397 reacties) op 28-12-2016 09:45
I think you should buy a PS3 if you want to play the exclusives, its really not that expensive.
I recommend you buy one at the CEX, the prices for a PS3 range from €50 to €100. You can see a list of all available models and their prices here.
Besides the great prices CEX also offers a 24 month warranty instead of the regular 3 months most game shops offer. So you're covered for two years.
When you're in the CEX picking up the PS3 you can get Metal gear solid 4 straight away too, it's only €2,50
Door DaggieWaggie (39545 reacties) op 28-12-2016 10:16
Buy a Xbox 360 or Wii.
Gepost door: MasterSS op 28-12-2016 08:11
Doe joe mien de WiiU oor de orietjienel Wii? Biekas de WiiU ken olso plee Wii gayms.

Sorry mensen. Het moet even fonetisch. Ik ben niet zo goed in Engels op een Nederlands forum.
Twitch.tv/DagDoesStuff 👑🐊
Door MasterSS (3119 reacties) op 28-12-2016 10:19
Doe joe mien de WiiU oor de orietjienel Wii? Biekas de WiiU ken olso plee Wii gayms.

Sorry mensen. Het moet even fonetisch. Ik ben niet zo goed in Engels op een Nederlands forum.
Gepost door: Dagmar op 28-12-2016 10:16

Eye mien owriginul Wii. Iet ies tjieper
PS Vita Verzamelaar. Ennuh: can't touch this du dududu dudu dudu cant tough this. Geen idee voor een leuk signature...
Door DaggieWaggie (39545 reacties) op 28-12-2016 10:34
Ah! Den it is kleer. Joe kult plee GameCube gayms on de Wii if joe hef dem. Mega Man Network Transmission was mij feevorit.

But thee ar not stjiep. I mien not lijk burd 'stjiep stjiep stjiep' but 'e lot of monie'.
Twitch.tv/DagDoesStuff 👑🐊
Door RTB (148 reacties) op 28-12-2016 10:36
If you actually live in the netherlands, check marktplaats for cheap ps3's near you. I've seen them go for as low as 40, just ask if you can see it running before you pay for it.
Door Smocho (3090 reacties) op 28-12-2016 10:49
Ah! Den it is kleer. Joe kult plee GameCube gayms on de Wii if joe hef dem. Mega Man Network Transmission was mij feevorit.

But thee ar not stjiep. I mien not lijk burd 'stjiep stjiep stjiep' but 'e lot of monie'.
Gepost door: Dagmar op 28-12-2016 10:34

Jij hebt heel veel geslapen denk ik? Je komt lekker druk over :p
Door Tranceguy (514 reacties) op 28-12-2016 11:05
Buy a Xbox 360 or Wii.

Dont put a ps3 next to your ps4. Its a waste.

Also too many good titles comming out on ps4 in january!
Gepost door: MasterSS op 28-12-2016 08:11

Shitbox 360 or Wii that's what I call waste!
Those you can't see are more present than you'll imagine
Door ArdiBacardi (2423 reacties) op 28-12-2016 11:23
Just buy a used PS3 from Gamemania for 90 Euros. That means it can be a Slim (go for 320GB) or Super Slim (go for 500GB) as well. More bang for the buck, good luck!
More bang for the buck!
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